Grant Writing & Project Administration

With over 30 years of grant administration experience, Miller & Associates has highly qualified and skilled employees to handle all of your grant-related activities. Currently, the grant staff is administering multiple Community Development Block Grants (CDBG).  These grants range from planning, economic development, housing rehabilitation, down payment assistance, and public works activities. Not only does the staff administer grants, they are also very diverse in writing applications.

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds is only one of many funding sources the firm is adept in pursuing. The grant staff also administers and writes applications for United States Department of Agriculture-Rural Development (USDA-RD) funds, Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) funds, Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy State Revolving Loan Funds (NDEE-SRF), Kansas Department of Health and Environmental State Revolving Loan Fund (Kansas SRF) and Nebraska Game & Parks Land and Water Conservation Funds (NE-G&P-LWCF). It is not uncommon to have a combination of two or more funding sources utilized to complete a project.

Miller & Associates Consulting Engineers, P.C.

Kearney, NE  |  Lakewood, CO  |  McCook, NE  |  Colby, KS


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