Comprehensive Plan
Miller & Associates continually proves the importance of our partnerships with communities in Nebraska and Kansas. The goal of our planning team is to maintain these partnerships by providing communities with Comprehensive Plans that are physically feasible, economically viable, socially justifiable, legally defensible, and politically compatible. The planning team at Miller & Associates enables communities to make informed decisions based on smart choices and intelligent justifications on all matters relating to land use, public utilities, services and infrastructure, transportation, housing, economic development, community revitalization, historic preservation, environmental conservation, energy, rehabilitation, and redevelopment.
Planners from Miller & Associates work closely with City and County officials, community stakeholders, public interest groups, business owners, land developers, etc. in preparing forward-thinking visions that are viable for communities and counties alike. Our firm believes in a strong planning process in order to steer decision-makers in a direction that community members believe in. In order to accomplish this, the first step our firm takes when creating a Comprehensive Plan is to create a Steering Group from a cross-section of residents, business owners, and elected officials in the community. We understand the importance of community-backed actions and decisions; therefore, we encourage active community engagement at all stages of the process when creating the Comprehensive Plan. We also believe in visions that are complemented by realistic and justifiable plans of action that integrate the best short and long term interests of a community.